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Sunday, July 31

The Final Block

   Guys! Please Congratulate Me!!! I just got myself my first DSLR! A Nikon 3000d. (Secondhand though) I must thank Mr. Deepak Vargheese who gave me a lot of information on using a DSLR in a short period of time. Plus he gave me a good deal too!
   Anyway, getting back to business, (this snap is not from MY dslr!!! :) ) what i like about this snap is the fact the stone slabs seem to give you the message that once you get through this obstacle the path ahead is clear and serene. What i also like is the arrangement of seats on one side and dustbins on the other! The trees of course are at their best forming a natural arch to give the visitors a Royal welcome!
   I just like the pic. Can't really explain properly. Will only end up spoiling it. so, that's it.

BTW- Camera- canon powershot SX120 (owner- Savvy Dalmia)

Wednesday, July 27

Cutting the UnCut...

   I have always been fascinated by the concept of Before and After. (Except for the newspaper ads showing before and after pictures of hair-fall therapy) Its amazing what editing can do to a snap. Usually i do not edit any of my snaps to try and maintain the originality (Also because i do not know how to use an editing software! he he). But i cannot deny that the appeal quotient of a snap goes up the moment it is tweaked. So, this was my first attempt to 'edit' a snap. and the result is right under this!

   But, i still wonder if it is fair to edit a snap just to make it look better. Because, the credit for the snap is half taken away from the photographer by the Editing Tool. Oh! that reminds me, the credit for this editing goes to Picasa. (Google makes life so easy! It literally took me only three clicks to finish the editing)
   Seasoned photographers might still be able to find better ways of editing this snap. I kind of don't like the shadow between the fingers and the grainy effect. But, overall, worth a try.
What Say???


Saturday, July 23

Sweet! I Just Had My First...!

   Officially, This this qualifies as my first Candid Snap! Although, i must admit, it was completely accidental. It was only after i checked the picture, i realised that it had come out so well. Please note that it is Unedited. this is the actual picture. The camera used was: Canon Powershot A540.
   What i like about the picture is the way the shadow seems magnified in the background. (thanks to the flash which, for a change did not spoil the image. Especially since it was a close up) The distance between the subject (my cat, Timon :-)) and the door was atleast 7ft. But the shadow seems to be lying on something much closer.  The Serious look on Timon's face gives the picture added depth. And i have somehow managed to get the Symmetry perfectly right! Ha! Bonus! 
   On the negative side, i think, i would have been satisfied-er if i had (accidently) managed to get the complete ear part too. But, the difference between an ordinay snap and an extra ordinary snap usually lies in the Split Second decision to pull the Trigger. So, once the flash hit Timon's eyes, she ran away and so did my opportunity so get the Better Snap. 

Tuesday, July 19

Play-this Playlist Forever-2

   Is forever just an abstract term? Or, can there be an actual forever? how long is forever? If 5 years were forever, then the song i am gonna mention now would surely fit in my Forever Playlist.

Aadat- Jal  (

   Another Big Big Thank You (on behalf of millions of fans) to Goher Mumtaz, the lead vocalist and the songwriter of the band for coming up with such perfect lyrics combined with such perfect music composition
                 "Ab to aadat si hai mujhko aise jeene mein"
   It is not everyday that you pick your pen and get to write a line such as this.  On the face of it you might ask me- "Dude? what is so special? It, afterall, is just an everyday cribbing phrase." But look (or rather, listen) closer. There seems to be so much irony filled in it. And, at the same time, it sounds so consoling. Is it everyday anymore? I don't think so. Actually, almost every line of this song has a very simple yet deep meaning. 
   i dont know if it happens to you guys as well, but the moment the song starts off with: Na jaane kabse... i automatically begin humming along. It happens every single time! (until the song goes full high pitch...of course)
   What does this song mean to me? i really am not sure. Every time i listen to it, it feels like- for the first time. It  has been with me, in my playlist for the past 5 years. Will be there for a few more. (at least)
   So, there you go. another splendid song thanked. (Thanked? Sure. Thanked Enough? Not Exactly) Some more to come. Till then, Na Jaane kabse... la la la.... 

Saturday, July 16

Play-this Playlist Forever-1

   Hello there! Time for a song review. Not a review exactly but something like a Thank You Note. There are some songs which enter your playlist and stay for a while. Some stay longer. But most of them always leave after awhile. But, there are some songs which just get stuck in your playlist and your mind for a long long time. In this section, i will take you through my playlist (forever Playlist). 

   My serious gratitude to Andrew Farris and Desmond Child for having written this song. This song,apparently, is a tribute by INXS to Michael Hutchence, one of the founders of INXS, who had committed suicide in 1997. Not that my opinion matters but, I would say- a tribute couldn't get better than this.
   "Touch me and i will follow you, in your afterglow." This one line alone gives a million meanings to a million people. Not to forget, the song wouldn't sound the same without the vocals of J.D Fortune. The soulful voice is what adds extra depth to the song and leaves the listener numb at the end of the song. There is another version of this song,too, featuring Sona Mohapatra. It, no doubt, adds a new dimension to the song however, the song  sounds the best in it's original version. 
  So, if you have already listened to the song and you like it, Hi Fi!!! if you didn't like it, well, i'm sorry. And if you haven't listened to it yet, what are you waiting for??? Move it!!! 
"Celebrate life 
because you are living. Celebrate death 
because you lived!"
-A user comment on the YouTube site of INXS

Thursday, July 14

Time to Set The Ball Rolling! (Reel rolling would suit better, right?)

   So, this is where it all starts huh? This picture is definitely not my first. But, i thought it would suit the theme of my blog. (music and photography... you see the Connection?  :-) )
     So, what does this picture mean to me? well, first of all ever since i learnt the function of the 'Macro' mode, i have been using it for almost every picture i click. So, here i was sitting in my room doing nothing when all of a sudden i notice that the music player looked cool the way it was placed on the table. I take my camera (Canon Powershot A540. Yeah. A540) and begin experimenting. And, before long i turn the Macro Mode ON!!! The result? This Picture! (After a couple of tries, of course.)
   The wires in the background sort of distract the actual focus of the image. But, for an amateur, this is worth it! (I think!) Well... what else do i write about? i cant brag about my own photo, can i? 
   Oh, yeah! i was pretty naive when i thought that i'll put up the photos. A very close friend of mine (and of a lot others too!),Avrina Jos asked me not to put up the better pictures as they could be "stolen". So, i thought i'd rather use a logo on the photos. Of course, you can crop it. But, its alright. I won't mind.

Err... that's it. I suppose. Until next time, keep looking for The picture.

Tuesday, July 12


Well, first of all Hello! For the first time, I step into the world of blogging to merge the two of my most Serious Hobbies! (only Serious Hobbies, to be precise!) Because, this is the only place where I can probably merge them. As the title of my blog suggests, I will try and come up with the photographs that I take and also review a song which I think deserves a special mention. (There are so many songs that are not requested over the radio! So many! They Should! Right?) 
   So, you guys are most welcome to give  your comments and suggestions. I am not big-shot Photographer or a great musician. But i do take it seriously. So any tips for my photographs or any song that you would like me to listen to, please drop a note. 
   And, finally, I will try and keep my blog regularly updated. Till then, thank you. Keep listening to the     Music around you and keep looking for the picture. Err... Keep looking for The picture!