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Tuesday, July 19

Play-this Playlist Forever-2

   Is forever just an abstract term? Or, can there be an actual forever? how long is forever? If 5 years were forever, then the song i am gonna mention now would surely fit in my Forever Playlist.

Aadat- Jal  (

   Another Big Big Thank You (on behalf of millions of fans) to Goher Mumtaz, the lead vocalist and the songwriter of the band for coming up with such perfect lyrics combined with such perfect music composition
                 "Ab to aadat si hai mujhko aise jeene mein"
   It is not everyday that you pick your pen and get to write a line such as this.  On the face of it you might ask me- "Dude? what is so special? It, afterall, is just an everyday cribbing phrase." But look (or rather, listen) closer. There seems to be so much irony filled in it. And, at the same time, it sounds so consoling. Is it everyday anymore? I don't think so. Actually, almost every line of this song has a very simple yet deep meaning. 
   i dont know if it happens to you guys as well, but the moment the song starts off with: Na jaane kabse... i automatically begin humming along. It happens every single time! (until the song goes full high pitch...of course)
   What does this song mean to me? i really am not sure. Every time i listen to it, it feels like- for the first time. It  has been with me, in my playlist for the past 5 years. Will be there for a few more. (at least)
   So, there you go. another splendid song thanked. (Thanked? Sure. Thanked Enough? Not Exactly) Some more to come. Till then, Na Jaane kabse... la la la.... 


Anonymous said...

I love all the versions of this song. Even the ones copied by bollywood. But nothing can ever beat the original! Such brilliant lyrics. To me, hindi songs are generally more meaningful than english ones. Why? I don't really know. I hope this song stays on your playlist for more than a few years..

Nitish said...

Well, maybe you must attend the Subjectivity seminars in our college. oops! my college i meant! because i think there are a lot of songs in western music that have meaningful lyrics too. depends on the listener i suppose...