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Wednesday, January 11

life in Blurrrrrr...

   The last pic i managed to capture before i went on to drop my camera into the Indian Ocean. (Marina Beach. Indian Ocean sounds cool.... thats it.) So, can we have half a minute of silence for that, ladies and gentlemen? Why half a minute you ask? Well, because doctors are trying their best to save my camera. They say there is a 70% chance of them managing to save it. Hopefully the red light of the Operation Theater goes dead, the doctor comes out and says "I'm sorry, we could save only the mother." (NO, my camera was not pregnant...) mother because the memory card probably is all gone. So, the camera's kids i.e., the snaps are all dead. Hence the reason. Fingers crossed.
   Now, coming to the picture... i wish the day had been a little darker. With the shutter speed low, there was a lot of light getting in... so, the pic is THIS bright. But still man.... its a pretty decent capture. speaks (metaphorically) of the speed at which we normally spend our day... If my camera decides to stay alive, (euthanasia man! So sick it is to be alive with salt on your tastes good only on Lays. So, if the doctors say that they cannot bring it back to Snap mode, i will remove the battery once and for all... sob..sob...) i will try to take a similar picture at dusk. I have a feeling it will be a lot better than this. :)
  So, please pray that my camera gets well soon.




Emiliano said...

I love the post!!!! You have got to give me a few tips on photography!!! And yes, I shall be praying for your camera (though I barely know you).

Nitish said...

Dude, i read your blog and i have a feeling you are the guy who is famous for crashing into the tree! i envy your sense of humour man!!! classic they are!

Aghil Paulson said...

get the surgery done man...