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Monday, January 2

The lonely me...

Please click on the I wanna read more. This is special  post. Thank you.
   Despite the nice-ness of this picture, its important to note that nobody should be feeling lonely this new year! So, please go ahead and find the someone for you. It might not click the first time. (for some it just might) it might not click the second time. (for quite a lot it might) But, it will click at some point of time. Its like the One Liner wich says- Live everyday as if it was your last and one day it will indeed be!!
   Do not waste time sulking. You deserve to have the special someone. MOVE YOUR ASS MAN!!! every second counts. Look at it this way:
   If it does not work out, if the special someone says no, its okaaaay! the world is gonna end this December anyway... so, not much suffering.... BUT.... But... if it does???? A lifetime of happiness. (I mean, majority of scientists have rubbished the Nostradamus prophesy) Overall, its worth giving a try... "So that some years down the line you wont regret having not tried"...*
   Man! i deviated so much!!! anyway.. what i wanted to actually say is that i like this picture. Thats it.

* Dialogue courtesy The couch, a play by Avrina Joslin


Anon said...

"So that some years down the line you wont regret having not tried"
Yes. Thank you.

Nitish said...

Thank Avrina Joslin!

Rejoe Mohan said...

As our sir once said "life is never fair" so never wait for a 'right opportunity' ..... there is nothing called 'right opportunity' at times.

but bro what if the right person doesn't say anything and just disappears one day? and later you come to know she is with someone else? what if she says no and Mr. Nostradamus is proved wrong? wont it be nice to live with a feeling that she will come back one day than live with no hope at all. you can at least wish and dream that she will come back, but if she says no then i do not see a point in dreaming. but on the other hand if one is sure that the answer will be positive then its fine.

to live with a hope that makes us dream the dreams we love to happen is far better than living with pain which will drown us in sadness. even if its for a while we have that hope, its better cause after that calm comes a storm which i fear.

Nitish said...

Mr. Rejoe. THis coming from such a great philosopher, is disappointing. No offence. Because, For how long will you live with that empty hope/dream? And, firstly, is that a good thing? a happy feeling? NO. You keep reminiscing about it every day! every 10th person you walk by looks like her!

The living with a hope can work in a case where you can work towards it. Like i hope/dream to be a Politician. I can work for it. I can practice. But, i hope/dream to get back the love of The girl. What exactly can i do? NOTHING. because i will fear from talking even the smallest of step lest i lose the whatever little i own of Her. Right? So, i would rather keep Tryin again and again than sitting and hoping that she will come back.

Rejoe Mohan said...
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Rejoe Mohan said...

Trying to get her back is good, as long as u get her back. I'd rather live with the hope and later with a regret that i didn't get her cause i didn't try than live with hate towards the society....(wont elaborate on that)

but if i was living in some utopia i would have done as you have said, cause i know that its good.

living with a hope isn't a negative trait.the world is dying for one word called hope and another called love. that's why we have lot of frauds prospering in many fields. And hope can never be called empty. its like saying sadly happy or hungrily full, it doesn't make sense.when a hope is empty it isn't hope at all.

If every 10th person can give me a smile cause it reminds me of her, its nice.
life is not a play written by a human, but its a reality which will not be sweet every time. prepare when everything is calm, and face whats comes after.

but on the other hand looking from your angle, its fine if one has to go ahead with that, cause u don't have her with you in first place, to loose her. but the sadness that can follow afterward is something one must bear alone.

Nitish said...

okay.. some parts of it i can accept... But, as far as hating society point that you made is concerned, If you know that you will hate the society now, it already means the seeds have been sown, that feeling of grudge is there within you. But, it hasn't given you a chance to surface. But, if things go bad, then it will surface. I dont know to what extent it is fair on yourself.

Again man, point of view matters. i had until recently believed in your theories and followed it. But, of late i thought i will experiment with the other strategy. and guuess whaat! it kinda worked. I mean it didnt happen exactly the way i wanted. But, a lot better than what i got when it was the old self.

I salute you for your patience and your commitment. Ni matter what happens, i hope at the end of the day you and me have the last laugh.

Happy NEW year.