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Monday, December 3

All's Right With the World...

   This picture was taken on a bright sunny summer noon. The weather was really hot, the sun was screaming at us and it looked like the roads would be the last place anybody would have wanted to be on at that point of time. Tempers were running low on the roads and everybody was in a hurry to get somewhere. (home?)  Even i was desperate to get home and switch on the fan and sit down and cool myself down.
    But then i saw this woman sitting by the side of the road with all her Laughing Buddhas beckoning the passers by to buy them. It was then that it hit me- not everybody was in a position to go home that day and rest under the cool shade of the roof. Heck, some people did not even have a roof. It was not like i had never been exposed to poverty ever before. But, that day, it just made me realise that for some people The Sun, The Rain or The Wind cannot stop them from carrying on with their life. It will be hard for them, yes. 
   But then... God is in his Heaven, all's right with the World. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well written.. i really appreciate you to raise this concern for the needy!! *thumbsup*