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Tuesday, December 4

Innocence in gone...almost... :) (Part 1)

Note: These pictures are direct uploads. They have not been post processed at all. Was taken using a canon 600d. i think i will spoil the effect of the pictures if i start talking. So, i'll just let the pictures talk...

Monday, December 3

All's Right With the World...

   This picture was taken on a bright sunny summer noon. The weather was really hot, the sun was screaming at us and it looked like the roads would be the last place anybody would have wanted to be on at that point of time. Tempers were running low on the roads and everybody was in a hurry to get somewhere. (home?)  Even i was desperate to get home and switch on the fan and sit down and cool myself down.
    But then i saw this woman sitting by the side of the road with all her Laughing Buddhas beckoning the passers by to buy them. It was then that it hit me- not everybody was in a position to go home that day and rest under the cool shade of the roof. Heck, some people did not even have a roof. It was not like i had never been exposed to poverty ever before. But, that day, it just made me realise that for some people The Sun, The Rain or The Wind cannot stop them from carrying on with their life. It will be hard for them, yes. 
   But then... God is in his Heaven, all's right with the World. 

Sunday, December 2

What is Globalisation?

   We have been studying a lot these days, about Globalisation and the world being a 'global village'. Everyone can be in touch with everyone; we need not wait for days together for our letters to get delivered to our friends and family. Technology (especially the New Media) has enabled us to do anything, isn't it?

Well... Think again...

   Indeed it has made our lives easier. A lot more than just easier, to be completely honest. But, sometimes we tend to ignore the side effects of a life this easy, this fast and this readily available. And that is when we need bands like The Limousines to wake us up with a jolt. How so? Well, take a look at this video. Please pay close attention to the lyrics.

   The video is not the official video by The Limousines. i put up the video because the user, Amerzz789 has done a very good job at illustrating the song. The official video is pretty interesting as well. Here is the official video:

   What i like the most about the song, more than the video, is the tone of the song. It is sung in a very as-a-matter-of-fact style, and yet the message is highly loaded. The very title of the song is ironic when you listen to the lyrics of the song. People may argue that this is basically a western phenomenon. But i am doubtful about that. It may be a western phenomenon right now, but the trend, like every other popular trend, is catching up in India. (Now that is the other face of Globalization. The not so cool side.)  It wouldn't be surprising that a lot of us are able to personally relate to the video.
   However, one must also note that the term globalization is applicable only in the Urban and Semi-Urban areas of India. Despite this the negative effects of globalization is finding it easier to seep into the interiors of the nation than the positive effects. MMS scandals, Stalking through phone calls and text messages are becoming more and more common in villages and small towns.
   How does one combat the repercussions of this effect of globalization and advancement in technology? WE cannot really come up with a definite answer.

Because, afteral, 'We are Very Busy People.'