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Saturday, August 13

Ocean Of Music!

   What a song to write about! The fact that its an Indian Band gives me extra pleasure writing! reading their bio on wiki was so damn interesting! i request you to please read it too. I will post a link here so that you can directly go ahead and read it. Trust me, its one interesting piece! The Band i am talking about is Indian Ocean and their song Kandisa.

Kandisa- Indian Ocean. wiki link-( )
Song link-( )

  You know, the song, no doubt is wonderful to listen to. But, what is more wonderful is to read their story! Damn, the Bassist of this band (Rahul Ram) is an IIT graduate and a PhD holder! ha! what a tantrum his parents must have thrown when they came to know that he's joining a band! quite a rebel, you think? wait till you listen to this. Just because they were fed up of the bossy nature of the Record Label companies, they are giving away their songs for free on their website with one new song every month! How cool is that! 
  Anyway, getting back to the song, through out the song, i guess, there are only two drawbacks. Firstly the song gets a bit slow at places. and secondly the song runs a little over 7 minutes. Quite long huh? but if you are going on a long drive, you'll still love it! the guitar solo towards the end is very, very nice. (Archana, if you are reading this, you must ask sir to play it!) The tabla is groovy and gets your feet thumping. I Bet! Overall, a must listen! There are also other songs which are very good. Please listen to them if you can! Promote Indian Ocean! promote Indian Music! 
Happy Independence Day. (In advance of course! Don't know why i am so emo all of a sudden!)


Archana said...

Amazing song I must say! Yeah.. It is pretty long. But still.. awesome beats! It sounds even better when I just put the earphones on n close my eyes. I shall ask sir n learn asap! Thank you! :) And oh... I read their story. Awesome guys they are!! :D

Nitish said...

Ha! can't wait to see what sir says... hear rather...

Archana said...

Yeah.. :)